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Abey Australia

Abey 40mm Flexible PVC Waste Connector

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I/N: 4760828

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I/N: 4760828

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  • Highly flexible and extends to over one metre.
  • Female fitting - waste connector
  • Compression - pipe connecor
  • Saves time and space
  • Plain spigot to suit multi-fit and universal compression outlet traps or waste fittings.
40mm flexible waste connector. Highly flexible and extends to over one metre. Female fitting - waste connector. Compression - pipe connector.

Abey offers a range of quality flexible connectors that are designed to help get you out of a hole. The ideal 'fix all' tool when all else fails, this range of products is a tool box for all plumbers and can help smooth out those hellish jobs that sometimes seem to go pear shaped.








78mm 42mm 430mm


65mm 65mm 400mm


Easy To Carry

Total Weight 0.30 kg


Model Name
40Mm Waste Connector
Model Number
Plumbing Part Type
Recommended Use
Size 2
Trap style
Maximum working pressure (kpa)
Size 1
Cleanout (Yes/No)
Item Package Type
Adjustable (Yes/No)
Compatible pipe material
Push to connect (Yes/No)

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