How to install or remove Kitchen Faucet Hose Adapters ( Brass and Quick Connectors) ?

Published 06/27/2017 01:49 PM   |    Updated 01/25/2021 08:06 PM

Hose Adapters:

There are 4 Styles of our Pull out/ Pull down Hose Adapters:

a. Brass hose adapter with set screw (Figure 1).
b. White plastic Quick Connect (one sidle Slides in. other Threaded to the hose) (Figure 2). 
c. White plastic Quick Connect (2 sides Slide in) (Figure 3).
d. Metal Clip (Figure 4).


a. Brass Hose Adapter:

How to install Brass Hose Adapter:

  1. Turn off hot and cold water supply valves underneath the sink.
  2. Place a bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  3. Screw in the brass hose adapter to faucet hose clockwise by hand and then use adjustable wrench to tighten more. Don't over tighten it.
    Notice, there is a flat washer on the bottom side of this hose adapter to prevent any leakage between hose and brass hose adapter.
  4. Push the brass adapter up until you hear a click or until it passes the shank adapter O-ring.
    Shank adapter is the brass piece with outside O-ring located at the end of the faucet shank, as shown above).
    Shank adapter has also a flat rubber washer on the top to prevent any water leakage from that connection.
  5. Tighten the set screw.
    Notice that it is normal for hose adapter to move up and down and turn left and right but it is not  suppose to fall down by itself, or leak.
  6. Turn water on slowly and test if there is any water leakage from that connection.


How to Remove Brass Hose Adapter:

  1. Turn off hot and cold water supply lines underneath the sink,
  2. Place a  bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  3. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  4. Remove the hose adapter set screw (counter clockwise using flat or Phillips screw diverter).
  5. Pull down the brass hose adapter with the hose.
  6. Unscrew the brass adapter from the hose counter clockwise (by hand or applying adjustable wrench on adapter flat sides).
  7. Watch the flat rubber washer located on the bottom on hose adapter.


b. Quick Connect adapter (one side Slides in and the other side Threaded):

How to Install the Quick Connect type (b):

  1. Turn off hot and cold supply lines underneath the sink.
  2. Place a bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  3. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  4. Push the quick connect housing upward until unable to push any further and you will hear a click sound.
    Pull down the quick connect housing to test it. If you can't pull it off, then the quick connector is secured.
  5. Turn water on and test it for any leakage.


How to Remove the Quick Connector type (b):

  1. Turn off hot and cold water supply valves underneath the sink.
  2. Place a bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  3. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  4. Push the quick connect up to compress it and keep holding  it or the hose while doing this.
  5. Put  your fingers on the very top of the white quick connect adapter while maintaining the hose upward.
  6. Pull the quick connect down and release the hose at the same time.
  7. Unscrew the quick connector type (b) from the hose counter clockwise.


c. Quick Connect Adapter (2 Sides Slide-in):

How to Install the Quick Connect adapter type (c):

  1. Place a bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  2. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  3. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  4. Push the quick connect housing upward until unable to push any further and you will hear a click sound.
    Pull down the quick connect housing to test it. If you can't pull it off, then the quick connector is secured.
  5. Repeat last for both sides of this Quick Connect adapter.
  6. Turn water on and test it for any leakage.


How to Remove Quick Connect adapter type (c):

  1. Turn off hot and cold water supply valves underneath the sink.
  2. Place a bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  3. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  4. Push the quick connect up to compress it and keep holding  it or the hose while doing this.
  5. Put  your fingers on the very top of the white quick connect adapter while maintaining the hose upward.
  6. Pull the quick connect down and release the hose at the same time.
  7. Apply steps 4 to 6 to separate the black side of the quick connect from the sprayer long hose.



d. Metal Clip:

How to install the Metal Clip type (d):

  1. Ensure that the brass shank has O-ring at the end (without any protector).
  2. Push the hose to the brass shank as high as possible to pass the O-ring.
  3. Install the Metal Clip against the hose fitting and turn it clockwise by hand to secure it.


How to Remove the Metal Clip type (d):

  1. Turn water off hot and cold water supply lines underneath the sink.
  2. Place a bucket underneath the faucet connections.
  3. Turn on the faucet to release water pressure from the faucet.
  4. Turn the Metal Clip counter clockwise by hand to release it. Then pull it out.
  5. After removing the Metal Clip, pull down the hose to separate it from the brass threaded shank.




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